Astrid is a contemporary teacher, integrative therapist, medicine woman, author and musician from Chile who has been guiding retreats, trainings, seminars, individual sessions and concerts all over the world for more than 20 years. Her devotional work supports the awakening of people into their true empowered manifestation.

Astrid dedicates her life to serving humanity in their path of Awakening. She has founded an International School where she offers a variety of programs and trainings to touch hearts through deep committment and surrender.

Many things can be mentioned about her journey, but beyond all words is the presence of love through her heart that makes her work valuable for people.

Human Awakening, the Inspiration

Every training, every song, every poem, every seminar, workshop, every word, every photograph, every step of the way in Astrid´s life is inspired by her vision of humanity awakening together into a mature and inner developed civilization.

She serves silently and effotlessly from her heart and deeply believes that it is already happening. She inspires people to trust and to remember that there is a divine order and intelligence. We are not people walking on earth, we ARE earth, we are it!

From the water came the plants, then came the fish, then the animals, from the animals came humans, and from humans as we know today we are meant to bloom into the next stage of life; awakened people living from the intelligence of the heart co-creating heaven on earth! The circle of life keeps on moving and human beings are not the exception!

Forever an apprentice of life

Astrid has been inspired from so many sources, she has had many teachers that have inspired her path and many relationships that have been her master. Her path has been blessed from various guides and great teachings have been given to her to share with the world. She blends the traditional and non traditional in a unique way that makes her work outstanding.

First and foremost her primal teachers have been her beloved mother Ines for her devotional and unconditional presence and her beloved daughter Gabriela for her strenght and courage to follow only what the heart says yes to! Now she also has a new inspiration, her grandson Munay, who is teaching her about a new quality of love and surrender.

She has studied with great teachers including Leonard Orr, Gabriel Cousens, White Owl, Atl Yolotzin, Netzahualipilli, Bert Hellinger, Blanca Uruguay, Nelly Arredondo and has been inspired by many others such as Thich Nah Hahn, the Dalai Lama, Osho, Rumi, Eckart Tolle, Miguel Ruiz and many more.

She has attended various schools with different programs such as Naropa University, Tree of Life, Inspiration University, Escuela de Terapia Corporal, Musicoterapia y Arte, Grupo Tolteca, White Owl Circle of awakening, Universidad Catolica de Chile, Pranayen Program, Spiritual Purification Program, Creative Health Institute, Hippocrates Center and others.

Above all, Astrid has the priviledge to be inspired by people walking their talk, by teachers who are not teachers, but inspire many around them. Astrid has been and continues to be deeply inspired by these simple people who walk the path of love and compassion. These is Astrid´s spiritual family all over the world supporting her work from a silent place creating a foundation of wisdom that vibrates beyond their lives.